المشاركات الشائعة
- من لم يتعود صعود الجبال .... يعش ابد الدهر بين الحفر . - حتى لو كنت على الطريق الصحيح سيتم تجاوزك إذا وقفت أو جلست هناك . - من ج...
Home hygiene pertains to the hygiene practices that prevent or minimize disease and the spreading of disease in home (domestic) and ...
جون مولتون : ( التفكير هو أصل كل فعل ). ادموند سبنسر : ( لا شيء يتغير بل نحن الذين نتغير ). أرسطو : ( ما الفشل إلا هزيمة...
I don't know if anyone is ever going to read this. I'm writing this because I love to write, and I love being motivated. I gues...
T Harv Eker, One of success Internasional trainer giving his advice about Millionaire Mind : Rich people believe, " I create my...
Hygiene refers to the set of practices perceived by a community to be associated with the preservation of health and healthy living. Whi...
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Our strength grows out of our we...
First attested in English in 1677s, the word hygiene comes from the French hygiene, the latinisation of the Greek ὑγιεινή (τέχνη) - hugiein...
Great Jop Be carefull my young girl I wish you the best What a nice home work Blessings Efforts Very Good my lovely What a n...
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